Maulana Mazharul Haque Teachers’ Training College

مولانا مظہر الحق ٹیچرز ٹریننگ کالج

मौलाना मज़हरुल हक़ शिक्षक प्रशिक्षण महाविद्यालय

Accredited Grade"B+"By NAAC
Recognized by ERC NCTE, Bhubaneswar,
Affilliated to: L.N. Mithila University, Darbhanga
& Bihar School Examination Board, Patna

Rules and Regulation


1.All the students shall abide the rules and regulation laid down by Institute from time to time

2. Admission to the Institute shall explicitly imply that the student and his/her parents have made themselves.

3. Conversant with the rules and regulation of the institute and provision of the ordinances of the university.

4. The candidate whose result of the qualifying examination is not declared before the admission shall not be eligible for admission under any circumstance.

5. If a document /declaration submitted by a candidate is found to be false at any stage during his/her stay at the institute his/her admission shall be cancelled and he/she may be liable for prosecution under the law without and refund of fee.

6. The Institute reserves the right to make necessary amendments to the rules & regulation, course fees,etc. as considered necessary and deemed appropriate from time to time. The college does not accept any liability arising out of such changes or action.

Code of Conduct

1.All the students shall observe strict discipline and decorum of the Institute at all times. Any act of indiscipline e.g. use of abuse language, assault any affray, indecent behavior towards faculty members and employees of the institute, disfiguring of walls etc. damage and destruction of Institute property and such like acts shall constitute acts of indiscipline against the Institute and shall make student liable to disciplinary action including expulsion from the institute without any notice. No fees shall be refundable in all such cases.

2. The student shall maintain discipline at all times inside any outside the college premises. Act like fighting, consuming alcohol theft, etc. shall be severely dealt with and treated as act of indiscipline against the Institute.

3.Use and/or possession of fire arm, knife, hockey sticks, base ball bat, etc. inside and outside constitute a grievous offence punishable under IPC and shall be treated as indiscipline against the Institute.

Our Code of Conduct: Moral Orientation

For Students:

 Read Notice Board daily and carefully.

 Be punctual and regular in their classes.

 Not miss the periods when present in the college.

 Always maintain discipline and decorum in the college campus.

 Take care of college property.

 Keep the campus clean.

 Actively participate in all the activities of the college.

 Not hold any meeting without the permission of the principal in the college campus

 Not use mobile phones in the working hours in the college except break.

 Not involve in any type of ragging activity in the college campus.


 Responsible conduct & demeanor expected by the community.

 Manage their private affairs with the dignity of their profession.

 Make professional growth continuous through study & research.

 Perform their duties in teaching, tutorials, seminars & research work with dedication.

 Co-operate and assist in carrying out functions of college & university.

 Modest behavior with male & female students and other employees.

 Refrain from availing leave except in unavoidable circumstances.

 Try to maintain cordial contacts with management, principal & guardians.

 Refrain from consuming any intoxicating drug.

 With the help of helping staff:Shall maintain a stock register for all the articles, equipment, chemicals, etc.

 Time to time inform the principal for latest requirements of the labs.

 Shall maintain an issuing register for the issue and return of lab material.

 Maintain all the logistics year wise for the college audit.


 Ensure discipline of the students in the library.

 Prepare and issue Library cards to students.

 Follow up return of books issued to students and staff members.

 Maintain fine collection register and instruct students to deposit the fine.

 Submit list of requirements of books to the principal for further procurement.

 Display new arrivals by photocopy of the cover page of the books and journals.

 Receive international journals & magazines and circulate highlights of important articles.

 Compile back volumes of journals and periodicals and arrange for binding and Stacking.

 Display of cuttings of newspapers on education /social matters on notice board.


 Non-Teaching staff working in the College office should remain on duty during college hours.

 Non-Teaching Staff assigned to Laboratories should keep the Labs clean.

 Any Loss or damage to any article in the Lab or Class Room should be reported to the Principal or Teacher in-charge in writing immediately.

 Non-teaching staff will carry out their duties as instructed by the authorities to whom they are attached.


 All parents and visitors to the college be aware of their responsibilities and contributes their best in the collage affairs in order to maintain an orderly, respectful and secure educational environment for the students and staff.

 Help their children to understand that in a democratic society appropriate rule are required to maintain a safe and orderly environment for the college.

 Ensure that children bring only those items appropriate and related to the instructional program at collage.

 Aware of rules and regulations of the institution help their children understand them.

 Convey to their children a supportive attitude toward education.

 Convince their children to build good relationships with teachers, other parents and their children's friends.

 Help their children to deal effectively with peer pressure.

 Inform college officials of changes in the home situation that may affect student conduct or performance.

 Check their children be dressed and groomed in a manner consistent with the student dress code as they are abiding by the rule and regulation of the college.

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